On Friday, June 6, we held a rally at City Hall calling for a temporary moratorium on high-rise construction along the east side of Prospect Park. Speakers at the rally included: City Council Member Mathieu Eugene; Community Board 9 member Diana Richardson; Desmond Romeo, president of the Flatbush Avenue Merchants Association; representatives of Brooklyn neighborhood organizations, and local residents. The rally was organized by the Prospect Park East Network and cosponsored by the Flatbush Tenants Coalition, Lefferts Manor Association, and the Prospect Lefferts Gardens Neighborhood Association.

The first speaker at the rally was Leah Margulies, a plaintiff in the on-going lawsuit against Hudson Companies, which argues that the developer did not conduct the required impact studies. She addressed her remarks to Mayor de Blasio, saying, “Last week we got a temporary restraining order—but it is very short-lived. So, Mr. Mayor, we need you…to put your weight behind this limited moratorium and, at the same time, pressure David Kramer of Hudson to lower the height and add truly affordable apartments for low-income families.”
Click here for the full text of her speech